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Wednesday 17 July 2024

Chucky Cat Cafe at Komtar Johor Bahru

 Date of visit: 13/05/2024

The day started really bad missing my train to JB.  My sis who was running late took a cab to the Woodlands Checkpoint just to be on time, while I urrrgg.... felt so sorry for the hiatus >.<

Gotten my nails done for Mauritius trip while she fixed her hair (kid sis loves getting her hair done here every couple of months, she even had a preferred hairstylist).  After that we went to this Chucky Cat Cafe, hidden seriously not known, located at Komtar 3rd floor.
Drinks were not compulsory, entrance fee was relatively reasonable and affordable, I forgotten how much it was (cos I didn't intend to blog about it initially).

Visitors were allowed to pick up any cats but it's difficult cos the cats would just manage to "escape" lolxx...  Following were insanely cute pics of them:
Many species (not known cos I am no expert) roaming around, all fluffy, all cute and looked well taken care off.
All were very gentle, none bite although some were not friendly.

The name of this Cat Cafe was named after this majestic king, Chucky.  He was literally moved from Melaka to JB.
It's not obvious in photo, this fellow was about 800cm in length with it's tail.  It was sleeping when we were there and we were patiently waiting for him to wake up, heehee...

For some reason, ALL cats love carton boxes, ALL without exception.
This one found it's snooze spot on the shelve.
The cafe had 2 storeys by the way, had to look out so as not to kick or step onto a cat at the staircase.

I was totally mesmerised by it's crystal blue eyes, too beautiful.
Huge stripy.
Chucky was still sleeping.

A few cats came back from outside and the rest ran to "welcome" them, though later they were all more interested with the trolley.

Sis held the little lizards with the staff's guide.
I wasn't afraid but didn't feel like holding one at that point of time, did touch them and it was cold lolxx...
None of them was hurt, no cats pounded on the lizards while they were out of the cages.

We had a 1hour session and towards the last 15mins of our stay, Chucky Boss was still sleeping.  We gotten one staff to carry him into our arms.
Of course he was annoyed but remained very gentle (or bo chap lolxx...).

He was so massive!!!  Fur so super duper soft, he was just absolutely GORGEOUS!!!  This photo you would be able to tell his was a really big cat.
Love him despite of his "buay song" dead span face lolxx...

If you are a cat lover and happened to cross the border to JB, you MUST visit this cafe.  Ang mos have different perceptions of pets cafe, just mind your own business and skip this blog.

Will continue with Mauritius after this, heehee...

Friday 12 July 2024

Mauritius/Dubai 9D8N - Day 5


Woke up early to go to the beach but it was raining.
Nevertheless, I took the umbrella and headed out, to at least take a look at the private beach that we had paid for.  We had only 2 nights here.
The only thing I hate in this place would be this flight of stairs lolxx...
We had Le Morne Mountain behind us.
Bo lang (nobody) beach with gloomy sky.
So cute!
Despite of the gloomy weather, the sea looked like blue jelly pudding.

Place for buffet breakfast.

Had porridge with century egg and that's about it.  Early mornings killed my appetite sometimes.

Walked pass the spa which we didn't have time to visit, so sayang...

Pretty little flowers.

After breakfast was an hour on the road for our helicopter adventure with Corail Helicopters.  We couldn't find the place and had to call to get here.
The weather was really bad, raining heavily, going to be so sad if they had to cancel the flight, we were so looking forward for it.  It was literally a big deal for us.

One group flew and came back.

Had coffee while waiting, it was included with the flight.

After 2 hours of delay, thank goodness the rain and wind cleared a bit, and we were able to fly.
It was 180euro for a 15mins flight, very expensive but we just had to do it for the life time experience nowhere else in the world could offer (for a special sight).

Group photo with the pilot before taking off.
I was arranged to sit in front, was bursting with excitement the moment I sat down.
I have to say, I am indeed very very very blessed and fortunate.  I know so many people who are financially stronger than me but didn't get to see the world the way we do.   There are also a few where Malaysia and Batam is the whole world to them for some reason.

How big is your world depends on how far you go...
Running through these photos, doing this blog is making me smiling to myself...  I am glad that you are one of those very few who found this blog, looking at my shares...  Thank you!
My first ever helicopter flight of my life.

Bird's eye view of 7 colored earth.  Looked like one color anyway.

Tamarin falls.

East coast of Mauritius.
It's already very beautiful even before we headed to the main attraction of the flight.

Somehow close to the optical illusion of undersea waterfall.

Finally at the perfect spot with the right angle (ignore the glass reflection) where it looked as if there's a waterfall.
180euro view.

Back on land.  The common name for it is Walking Palm.
We found a "leg" which looked like another organ though lolxx...

The green was REAL green.  I just realised that Singapore's green had a hue of grey.
But the green in Mauritius was luxurious.

After this, it was still rainning.  I booked a hiking tour which I thought it was going to be such a nice bonding activity in nature.
It didn't take long for my baby sis to realise that I was struggling.  She stopped me and gave up the tour to be with me while old man and Darren went ahead.
My shoes after merely 15mins.
The sole gave way and had to be throw away later.

The following photos were taken by the guys and the guide.  It's really important to travel while you have good stamina.
Look at me, had to give up some itinerary and scenery.  But of course I am trying with my best ability to go for roads that my body and legs can bring me.
Tamarin Falls.

The 2 guys came back aching all over, but there's nothing we could do except to let them use the shower first.  Glad that Darren had made dinner reservation here instead of the buffet.
It's a weird name for the restaurant though.
A very huge discount was given to Darren to dine with us while this dinner was including in our half board.  A few managers from various departments came to chat with us, imagine how highly taken and treasured was my son in the resort.  I was just so proud of my son...
Alfresco dinning was very nice with sea breeze.

Foie Gras paste, I was hoping for a nice slab of foie gras, the taste was nice though.

Oysters with... whisky I think.


Tomato soup which looked like lobster soup.

Lobster soup which wasn't "fishy" enough for my liking.

Super duper soft and juicy seabass.

Bacon risotto with gold was nice, would be perfect if it could be less salty.

Chicken skewers with salad, yummy.

Probably the best dish on the table, slow cooked beef cheeks.

Felt so blessed to be in Mauritius.

Chocolate lava cake with ice cream, woooooooo... let hot lave and cold cream fight in the mouth woooohoohoo...

Creme brulee.

Chocolate mousses.

I forgotten what's this lolxx...
Dinner was really great, so great that I was sadden by the fact that we were leaving tomorrow.  I wished I could stay longer.

We had messages in the bottle for us.
We could redeem free drinks the next day.
More surprises in the room.
They gave us towel swans, apple juice and macorons.
Also a row of candles lolxx... I had to keep them away to function the vanity counter, tired die me lolxx...

One thing they nailed it was filled a bubble bath.  I added in some cold water and had the best dip ever in my life.

Next day was our last day in Mauritius, couldn't bare to leave my son, in love with this place, it's making me cry...

This is a backdated post, at this point of time, my precious son is coming back in a couple of weeks' time.  I told him to treasure the sea and sunsets.  It's for free in Mauritius but absent in Singapore...